
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Pregnancy Journal ~ Week 22

What can I say about Week 22?

Physically, I feel fine.  I've been walking to keep up with training to walk a mini-marathon in April.  I ran it for the first time last year, and have kept it as a goal for this year as well to maintain physical exercise during this pregnancy.  I'll take it week by week, but so far I've been able to walk 6 miles without any issues...well, except the issue that I really want to run.

That being said, I am having some serious lower abdominal pain a few times a week.  I think it's just muscle stretching, but I'm having it more frequently and intensely than with my other pregnancies.  I wonder if it has to do with her position.  Usually lying on my side for a while will get it to can imagine how convenient that is with eight other children!

Emotionally, I'm feeling rather overwhelmed and exhausted.  I'm taking steps to overcome this by making my morning quiet time a priority, attempting to eliminate any stress-inducing activities that aren't absolutely necessary to my day, and trying to focus on the blessings of my day.  I'm finding inspiration from this book:

And this blog...A Holy Experience.

Other than that, I am content with Week 22.  On one hand, I'm excited to be over halfway through this pregnancy.  On the other I don't feel anxious to get it over with either.

Once again, I'll be linking up to My Joy-Filled Life Pregnancy Link Up.


  1. Hi Shanna,
    Looking great for 22 weeks! I love to walk, too, and can't wait to get back to it after this baby. Thanks for visiting my blog, I'm going to stick around here and check out your other posts!

  2. Just stopping by from My Joy Filled Life! Love your look great! :) That's wonderful that you are doing the marathon in April! Exercise has been a challenge for me, but now that I am feeling so much better I'm trying to do more walking...and hoping to start prenatal pilates.

  3. Wow, you look fabulous!! People are going to think this is your first pregnancy, if they don't know any better! I just realized I was 22 weeks exactly a year ago. Obviously a completely different scenario though. At any rate, you look great. Keep it up!! Hopefully the muscle pains ease up soon. :)

  4. Looks like you're another happy soon-to-be mommy! It feels good to hear that, even with constant pains, you're still smiling. The entire 9 months of pregnancy is indeed very challenging, not just physically, but emotionally as well. But it's really up to the person on how she'll handle it. It looks like you're good in doing just that! Congrats!
