Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Oh, the possibilities of Summer...

For the last four years, our children have been enrolled in a classical cottage school. They would 'go to school' two days a week, and I would homeschool them the other three. It has been a great experience for the kids and I truly believe God used this program to give me the courage to homeschool, when I was so unsure about it in the beginning. But I am also very excited about our new adventure of homeschooling on our own starting...well, now.

At least, I had planned to start in the fall. But then became so excited about teaching them 'my way' (not using pre-planned lessons that someone else has given me) that I've even planned out an entire summer unit study. Not to mention, I keep coming across more and more things I want to add to next year's curriculum. This is probably not so uncommon for homeschoolers, especially one who is so new to lesson planning...but I'm starting to wonder if I'm setting myself up for more than just failure...disaster maybe!

Our school year has literally just ended. Tomorrow our kids will attend awards day, which will finalize the school year. I thought I would find relief waiting for me since I would no longer be overwhelmed with the day's schoolwork. Instead, I am finding that I feel unproductive and overwhelmed by all the things I could do with my free time. I had planned to wait a week before starting our Summer unit study, but I could get a head start now since we are bound to fall behind when the baby comes (in less than two weeks). I could spend my time on lesson planning for the fall. I could, oh that was a good one! I could just relax and rest and enjoy my kids outside the realm of structured learning...I used to be able to do this, so why does it seem so hard now? Pin It Now!

1 comment:

  1. My husband laughs at me. Usually around March I completely burn out. I think the holidays, the ice storms, the power outages...they all get to me and once they are all over and I take myself off of auto pilot I just sort of wilt.

    And then May gets here, we have a few days left and I am SO AMPED for school! I start making plans and having a blast. I need to just keep going, unfortunately the kids are looking forward to a break, albeit a short one.

    All that to say have fun with your planning and jump start on the summer!



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