It's been quite some time since I received a Blog Award, so imagine my surprise a couple of days ago when I logged onto my computer and found that not one, but TWO people had awarded me the Sunshine Award...
Embracing Destiny and Marcy at
Ben and Me. What a way to brighten my day!
So here are the rules:
1. Thank the one who gave it to you and link to their blog.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Choose seven others to bless with the award and let them know they've won an award.
Seven Random Things About Me:
1. I like my caffeine cold...I'll take a diet cherry coke over coffee almost any morning.
2. I share the same birthday with my mother and grandmother.
3. I've had the same pair of tennis shoes since I was a freshman in highschool...I really don't wear tennis shoes very often.
4. Actually, I prefer to be barefoot and would wear sandals year-round if it were socially acceptable.
5. My love language is gifts...and I
really love gifts!...especially if they are books or yarn.
6. I'm currently reading through Hebrews.
7. More currently, I'm wondering why I decided to create this post so late at night.
Now for the wonderful bloggers I would like to pass this award on to:
Rebecca at
Renaissance has the most beautiful blog with literally the most breathtaking photos. Plus she will be delivering her newest blessing any day now!
Momma K at
Working on a Full House is a SuperMama and SuperWoman of Faith. She inspires me each time I read her blog.
Kelly at
Hearts wide Open is a friend of mine. Her sweet family are adopting from Ethiopia and her blog is helping them raise funds and chronicle their wonderful journey.
Jenn at
Classless and Loving It has received a few bloggy awards from me, but she deserves each and every one of them! She is as beautiful and witty as I have ever wanted to be.
Melissa at
In The Sparrows Nest and Cindy at
Our Journey Westward have also received bloggy awards from me. But I have learned SO much about homeschooling and nature study from these two mamas that I will never tire of recommending their sites to everyone.
Amy at
Buffaloes and Butterflies Wings is a so creative and a superblogger! I always, always get ideas from her when I head over to her blog.
That's it for me...Have a sunshine-y day ...or night!
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