Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow in the Morning

Well, it actually snowed last night as predicted and we woke up to about 3 inches. Since every school district remotely close to us shut down today, I figured we could use a snow day too...well, at least a snow morning. I know, I'm a mean mama and made them do schoolwork on a snow day.

E2 and his trademark cheesy grin.

I made G8 stand in the snow drift next to our house so you could see how deep it is...yeah, it's not all that impressive but it's likely the most snow we'll see this year.

Baby L and I sat on a rocking chair on our porch all bundled up in a blanket. Isn't she pretty? I could just stare at her all day.

The snow was very dry and wouldn't pack together, making snowball and snowman making impossible. But H3 was undaunted and used the side of the house for an extra boost.

Eventually all the kids pitched and created "Bob."..."No, his name is Princess." ..."No, it's Bob." ..."No, it's Princess." ...Sorry, just re-living one of many sibling arguments we've had today.

Whatever his name is, he's kind of cute.

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  1. Hilarious! I LOVE the snowblob! lol! And she IS absolutely gorgeous.

  2. Ah, beautiful kids....blessed ice....clean and fresh and well....wonderfully blobby :D
    I like it!

    I already requested this once...but any chance you can ship some to California ;)

    I've never seen an ice storm or it's results....
    I'll send you an In-N-Out burger??

  3. that is so cute!! i tried building a snowman too and my big dog ate it!! lol!!



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