Really, I'm incredibally impressed by this HUGE digital holiday magazine from TOS. The best part...it's absolutely FREE!!! Just click the picture! Pin It Now!
As a 2nd year member of the TOS Homeschool Crew, I have been given the wonderful opportunity to review many homeschool products over the next several months. The only compensation that I receive for my review is the free product. I feel truly blessed to be participating in this review group and I'm looking forward to trying out more products and giving you my honest opinion.
Okay, I have to give it to you straight. If you are a homeschooler and have not yet heard about workboxes, than surely you've been hiding under a rock somewhere.
The workbox craze is sweeping the nation and being talked about on homeschool forums, Yahoo groups, and blogs everywhere. I first heard about them last summer from a friend and quickly began some online research.
Sue Patrick is the creator of this system and the author of Sue Patrick's Workbox System User Guide Ebook. I immediately bought and read through this ebook not knowing that I would have the opportunity to review it this fall.
For an explanation of Sue Patrick's Workbox System, check out this video.
I liked and implemented many of the suggestions in the book, but was initially overwhelmed by setting up the system for each of my four school aged children. I had two main concerns:
1. It would be quite costly to buy a shoerack and 12 plastic totes for each of the kids.
2. It seemed it would also be rather time consuming to prepare for the next day's lessons each day.
However, when I was asked to review the ebook, I decided it was time to really give it a try.
Once again, I read through the ebook. I like that it is a quick, but informative read with only 13 short chapters. In addition to how to set up and use her Workbox System, Sue Patrick also offers other topics in her book such as The Benefits of Homeschooling and Family Dynamics and Homeschooling.
Sue Patrick says that she has "fine tuned this system over many years" in this online interview and suggests that one will not receive the full benefits of her system if they tweak it. I took this into full consideration, but still decided some tweaking was necessary for our family.
Some of you may remember that we got a 10 week headstart on the school year this summer so that we could break once Baby L arrived. Well, we've finally started back to work this week. I set up four workbox systems using crates and file folders for G8 (3rd), A7 (2nd), E6 (1st), and H4 (Pre-K).
I also set up a more traditional Workbox system for E2. Personally, I liked both the traditional version and the "tweaked" version, but I will admit that it is much easier to store materials and games in the tubs. If you have the money and the room, I'd definitely suggest going by Sue Patrick's guidelines. Plus, the tubs are a necessity for your littlest ones...file folders would never work for E2.
So do I like it? That question is still up in the air. Most of my kids like it because it ensures that they will have more game time and hands-on lessons each day. My oldest was not as thrilled. He said, "Well, actually it just seemed like there was more to do." I sort of agree.
The idea is that children will be able to work through their lessons faster and more independently. Our kids were already working through the lessons that I wanted them to work independently and so far, workboxes have not sped up our homeschool day. In fact, the additional work has made it longer.
One benefit I have seen with this system is that two of my children who are more kinesthetic learners have reduced the amount of complaining and whining during homeschool to almost nonexistent. That's certainly a big plus! Plus, my H4 who loves to homeschool is finally satisfied that I am giving her more work to do. I also have less interruption from E2 who happily plays with his workboxes (though out of order) while I am working with the others.
The biggest drawback is the prep time. Before I was spending about hour and half each Sunday afternoon preparing homeschool lessons and daily assignment sheets for the week. With the workbox system, I have to plan lessons daily, putting work into each folder/box. On average, this takes me an hour to prepare 5 workbox systems EACH DAY. That's a lot of prep time for this busy mom of seven.
Nevertheless, we're keeping up the workboxes for now.
If you're interested in setting up a workbox system for your homeschool, I would definitely recommend purchasing Sue Patrick's Workbox System User Guide ebook. It's only $19 and you can download it immediately from her website complete with access to additional online printables.
And don't forget, I'm not the only one with an opinion...check out the TOS Homeschool Crew blog for more reviews of this book.
Pin It Now! We decided we would first introduce the kids to the GPS with a day of actual geocaching. We headed to a local park with the coordinates of three caches hidden there. However, after reading a little closer we found that one was hidden in an hard-to-get-to-with-toddlers-in-tow part of the park and another was next to an old cemetery. That didn't bother me, but the warning that rats inhabited the area did. So we searched...and searched...and searched for the third cache, but couldn't find it.
Instead we opted to play at the park...
Luckily, our Educaching lesson went much smoother. First Dad hid objects all around our lot and wrote down the coordinates. (What a fun way to get Dad involved in homeschool, btw!) G8 was the only one who could easily use the GPS system.
One of our caches!
For this lesson, the kids had to measure the objects in inches and centimeters before getting the next coordinates.
They all recorded their findings.
Finally, the last cache (hidden in the mailbox) was found. It was a baggie of suckers, which were promptly measured and gobbled right up!
Educaching includes 20 detailed lesson plans in many different subject areas including math, science, and language arts. The lessons are geared towards grades 4-8, but there were many that I thought were suitable for my kids (3rd grade and under). You'll also find a Teacher Training section that teaches you about the GPS systems and how to use them. Reproducible worksheets for each of the lessons are included as well.
At only $32, I think this curriculum is a great buy! What's more important than the lessons themselves is that you will be inspired to add a refreshing twist to your homeschool. There will definitely be more Educaching lessons in our future.
...And don't worry, we're not giving up on geocaching either. We borrowed the handheld GPS this time, but I've got one on my Christmas list...
Visit the Educaching website to order and see free sample lessons. Check out the TOS Crew blog for more reviews.
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I have been on a search for good ways to train my children in character for about a year now. I've considered charts, books, curriculum... but I can't seem to find exactly what I'm looking for. In all fairness though, I'm not even sure I know what I'm looking for. Aside from simply modeling it, how exactly does one instill good character in their children?
Well, Passkeys Foundation founded by Russell T. Williams has a mission of "building a nation of character". From the website:
"(Mr. Williams is) A life skills educator and minister for twenty-eight years, Mr. Williams brings a rich professional background in public speaking, teaching and spiritual life discovery to the seven Passkeys life values that guide the foundation’s programs. Those life values are: personal responsibility, positive self-worth, purpose, plan, paying the price, partnership and persistence."
Passkeys offers several products to help aid parents and educators in teaching character to kids. One of those products is a set of four book/CD combos geared toward preschoolers called The Good News Express. We received a book and CD titled The Special Wish from this series which focuses in the character trait of friendship.
In The Special Wish, we were introduced to a cast of cute animal characters. One of the characters is Finney who has a special birthday wish. Each of his friends present him with a unique birthday present, hopeful that they will be the one to fulfill Finney's birthday wish. In the end they are surprised to find that they all make his wish come true, because his special wish was for each of his friends to be with him on his birthday.
I was rather impressed by the quality of the CD which includes sound effects, character's voices, and three songs. All of our kids enjoyed the story on CD and the colorful illustrations (even the big kids!) I rarely comment on the price of a product as I think price is quite relative, but I actually think that The Good News Express books are priced at quite a deal. Only $7.50 for each book/cd combo or $20 for all four!
I'm definitely interested in purchasing more products from Passkeys. I wouldn't say that my search for the perfect character-building curriculum is over. Passkeys is a secular organization and it is very important to our family that we build not just good character, but godly character in our kids lives. But I think it's quite possible that Passkeys offer valuable tools that will help us with this task, starting with The Good News Express books.
For more reviews of this product by homeschool moms, visit the TOS Crew Blog.
But purchasing ebooks from Guardian Angel Publishing might help.
While I realize that it's next to impossible to curl up with a good book when it's located on your computer, ebooks certainly have their advantages. For starters, they give you instant gratification as you can usually download them immediately after purchase from the comfort of your own home. Plus, they are generally cheaper than their print counterparts. And most importantly, they eliminate all storage issues as they are tucked away neatly in the vast storage compartment of your computer memory.
Guardian Angel publishes books for children up to age 12 in both ebook and print format. I received 5 ebooks from them to review.
The Sum of our Parts: No Bones About It is a rather silly, yet informative book that teaches kids the names of the bones in our bodies. Each page features helpful illustrations that show both a close-up of the bone and where it is located on a skeleton. The text is set to rhyme which aids in the memorization of naming the bones. There is also fun factoids throughout the book and a page at the end featuring a skeleton with blank labels for your child to fill in all the bones that they can name.
My kids said they thought this book was "funny" and I agree. The rhyming rhythm and cute pictures kept my little ones interested, but there was still enough information to make this a serious, helpful text during anatomy study.
Stubby's Destiny is a short picture book about a sweet donkey who dreams of a having a divine destiny...to carry a king. Little does he know that his dreams are smaller than his reality...to carry the King of kings.
Though I felt like the story was a little too familiar, my kids thoroughly enjoyed this one(especially my horse-loving 7 year old). The big ones liked "figuring out" who the donkey was and I loved the pretty full-page illustrations.
Rainbow Sheep is an imaginative story about a little shepherdess who tickles away the clouds and cheers up a sad rainbow. Unfortunately, the story was a little hard for our kids to follow as it seemed that the ideas in the story didn't transition very well. Nevertheless, the colorful illustrations make the book truly unique. Instead of typical graphics, there are 17 photos of real felted fiber art. And a huge bonus are the four pages of felting instructions and projects in the back of the book.
Our kids had fun learning about nouns and adjectives with our new hamster friends: Jenni, Carlos, Billy, Babe, Grandpa, and our favorite - Spotty Lotty in Hamster Holidays. A short lesson precedes the rhyming story where all adjectives are typed in red and nouns in blue. This visual was really helping for my early readers to familiarize themselves with nouns and adjectives. An eight page Noun and Adjective Study Guide followed the story and included several fun games and puzzles.
Earthquake! is a very informative, slightly humorous book geared more toward your 6 to 9 year old. Topics include:
What Causes an Earthquake
What Does an Earthquake feel like?
What happens after an Earthquake?
Can we Predict Earthquakes?
and How do we Prepare for an Earthquake?
We don't live in an area that is usually effected by earthquakes, but we did have a small one about a year ago which made this book especially interesting for G8. Factoids, experiments, and projects are included throughout.
Guardian Angel Publishing carries over 80 titles. Ebooks can be purchased for $5 and print books sell for $9.95 plus shipping. They also have a selection of Free ebooks as well.
As a 2nd year member of the TOS Homeschool Crew, I have been given the wonderful opportunity to review many homeschool products over the next several months. The only compensation that I receive for my review is the free product. I feel truly blessed to be participating in this review group and I'm looking forward to trying out more products and giving you my honest opinion.
I started working on baby beanies for Baby L while we were in the NICU. I got the pattern here but had to tweak it a bit by adding a couple of rows to make it big enough. I've also changed the pattern up a bit to make the hat to fit a toddler and one in a men's size.
I just finished a small purse to hold my crochet hooks in last week and I'm currently working on a sweater for me. I'm having fun with my new hobby....I certainly didn't need one more thing to occupy my time, but crocheting is a hobby that can easily be done during downtime (while watching tv, riding in the car, sitting in a waiting room). Plus it fills my obsessive-compulsive need to constantly be doing something. It's a win-win!
Our kids are still young and we rarely use an actual textbook with their homeschool lessons. Mostly they use workbooks, read-alouds, and create hands-on projects so there isn't a real need for a book holder just yet for their studies. However - as people at the grocery store are always fond of reminding me when they see my large family - my hands are full, so I'm finding plenty of uses for the Studypod.
I can prop up a research book next to the computer or a teacher's manual while I'm teaching. I can use it to hold a magazine or recipe book in the kitchen or my bible or a good novel while I'm nursing. My absolute favorite use for it currently is to hold my pattern book while I'm crocheting.
The Studypod has lots of cool features:
*It's shaped like a book for portability.
*It holds almost any size and style book.
*It even has a storage case for pens and other accessories.
Watch this video to see for yourself:
The Studypod is available in black, blue, and pink and can be purchased online for $19.95. Studypod is also offering a SPECIAL DISCOUNT to our readers. You can get $5 off your order by using this coupon code: TOSBLOG5.
Read more Studypod reviews at the TOS Crew blog.
I cannot stress enough how important I think educational games are. When my children are struggling in a certain area, playing a game about it can help them to understand. When they need review or to memorize facts, playing a game will lock those facts in their brains. When we are having one of those homeschool days...you know, the stressful ones...playing educational games lifts every one's spirits and gets "school" done all at the same time.
We received the Quarter Mile Math Deluxe Version practice software to review. Our kids love computer games so they immediately wanted to play it. Players review math facts while racing either Awesome Smoking Dragsters or Wild Riderless Running Horses.
The faster (and more accurate) a player reviews their math facts, the faster their car/horse goes. There are many math topics to choose from covering grades K-9. My 8, 7, 6, and 4 year olds were all easily able to play Quarter Mile Math when working with topics that were age appropriate.
A great feature of this program is that it tracts the player's progress. Once the player has played once, then they will no longer compete against the computer, but against themselves trying to beat their previous scores. With the Deluxe version, player's information are stored online and requires Internet access, though the player will never actually go online. Progress reports can be printed for records as well.
My kids had much more fun reviewing math facts with Quarter Mile Math than with traditional flashcards, but they weren't fooled completely. It still felt like schoolwork to them. This program also doesn't have the flashy and more realistic images that other computer games they've played have. So while none of them are actually asking me to play this game everyday, none of them are complaining when I assign it either.
Let's face it...reviewing math facts is a tedious project...for student and teacher. Quarter Mile Math is a great tool for me as a teacher and makes learning more fun for my students.
The Deluxe Version is a subscription service that can be purchased in three ways.
*$2.95 per family per month
*$19.95 per family for one year
*$34.95 per family for two years
Check out this page for homeschoolers on the Quarter Mile Math website for more information or to order. You can also read more reviews from homeschool moms on the TOS Crew blog.