Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Annual Snow Day

Well, we certainly don't get a lot of snow days around here...or very much snow when it does happen, but we sure do have fun when it happens.

Here's the whole gang (plus our neighbor, minus the baby) taking a group shot in the snow....what can I say? It's tradition.

How do you know you're a homeschool family? ...When you're 1st grader announces, "Look, Mom, I built the Great Wall of China out of snow!"

E3 makes a grass, snow angel.

The princess L1 can't decide if she likes the snow or not.

Scary woman without makeup in a pretty hooded scarf! I actually made this for my friend, but snatched it when I couldn't find my own...I needed to "test it out". Here's the basic pattern, in case you're interested.
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1 comment:

  1. Shanna~ your house is beautiful - and so are you. I love the hooded scarf - very neat!



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