As a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew, I have been given the wonderful opportunity to review many homeschool products over the next several months. I feel truly blessed to be participating in this review group and I'm looking forward to trying out the products and giving you my honest opinion.
Please note: This is not an actual review as I have not received any products from this company. As a member of The Homeschool Crew, I was informed of this sale and asked to pass along the information to all my friends...that's you!
Big news over at Homeschool Library Builder...they are having a Big Bin Blowout Sale! Literally hundreds of books have been marked down to $1, $2, $3, and $5. Now that's reason enough to make this book addict stand up and do the happy dance!
Homeschool Library Builder sells used books for everyone. Their website is easy to navigate as you can search by age, topic, or title. While browsing through their site I found classics such as Chronicles of Narnia, Anne of Green Gables, and Pilgrims Progress. Their were readers, fiction, and non fiction. I saw Janette Oke books, even Saxon 65! I plan on purchasing several of the picture books I need to go along with my Learning Language Arts Through Literature curriculum. Looking through this site is like visiting a local owned used bookstore - without the dusty smell!
The site owners are two homeschool moms and if that's not reason enough to support them, they are giving you a whole lot more. In addition to wonderful books at great prices here's what else they offer:
*They will do a book search for titles they don't carry...even out of print books!
*Easy fundraising program.
*They will advertise your "homegrown product" for FREE by providing a link to your website at the HSLB Marketplace.
*Their Spotlight of the Season offers Scripture, teaching ideas, and links to enjoy each special season with your family. (Think 'Unit Study'!!!)
*A Helping Hand program to help those in need.
*And sign up for free membership and you'll be enrolled in the Frequent Buyer Program where you can earn book points by buying, referring, or linking to your blog.
Check out their site and take advantage of the Big Bin Blow Out. And don't be shy about letting them know who referred you...I'd like some book points myself! *grin*
