Saturday, August 16, 2008

Daily Schedule

It is finally upon us. The first day of school for our crew begins Monday. The lesson plans have been entered into the computer, the appropriate books purchased or on loan from the library, and the school room is completely, er,uh...almost organized. Just like the when I was a little girl, I am feeling the flutter of those 'first day butterflies'.

Though this time I'm not nervous about getting lost in a maze of hallways, or having no one to sit with at the lunch table, or forgetting my locker combination. No, this time my worries are much different.

Mine is the issue of time. Why exactly did God only put 24 hours in a day? This year I will be teaching a second grader, a first grader, a kindergartner, and a pre-schooler. On top of that I have a very rambunctious one year old and a nursing infant. There really aren't enough hours in the day for this.

Nevertheless, I have a...cue the music now... written schedule. After all, isn't the written schedule the answer to all of the homeschool mother's woes. Forget for a moment that the written schedule always gets chucked out the window after a week's time. The written schedule gives us hope, that if there ever were the perfect day from heaven, then all actually could be accomplished.

So without further ado...

My Daily Schedule

7am-oh, I have to start drinking coffee-awake and groom. Grooming is, indeed, very important.

7:30- Personal Quiet Time. Everyone knows that this Momma has truly never had a quiet Quiet Time, but we should all have goals to strive toward.

8:00-Breakfast and quick clean-up.

8:30-9:30-Circle Time. We will all gather in the living room to read our bible story and devotional, have a time of prayer, and memory work. This year we will memorize a verse of scripture each week and a stanza from a hymn or worship song.

Next I will begin working one on one with each of the children individually. We will do this in the schoolroom (with the playroom right next to us for E1). While I'm working with one of the kids, the others will be doing their morning routine, independent work, and play.

9:30-10:00-30 minutes of pre-k with H3. We will review a letter, number, and color/shape each week. I have loosely based this on the free Letter of the Week online curriculum.

10:00-11:00- One hour of K with E4 (will be E5 in 3 weeks). We will be spending this time working on memorizing and writing phonograms using The Rigg's Institute phonogram cards. We will also work our way through Saxon Math K.

11:00-12:00- One hour of 1st grade with A6. We are using Learning Language Arts through Literature-The Blue Book and Saxon 1.

12:00-1:00- break for lunch.

1:00-2:00- One hour of 2nd Grade with G7. We are using LLATL-the Red Book and Saxon 2.

Our independent work includes ReadyWriter for K, and Italic Handwriting B & C for 1st and 2nd.

2:00-3:00- Back upstairs all together for Science/History (depending on the day of the week. We're using Real Science-4-Kids Pre-level Biology first semester and Pre-Level Chemistry 2nd semester. We're using Beautiful Feet Books Early American History.

3:00-3:45-Outside play while I grade papers.


5:00- Family Reading

5:30- Finish any homework. Such as Saxon Math and co-op work.

6:00- Prepare dinner while kids do evening chores. We eat late because hubby doesn't get home until after 6:30.

6:45- Dinner

7:15- Clean-up

7:30- Baths

8:00- Family Time

9:00- Kids bed time

Well, that's it. My stepdad always said if it works on paper it will work in real life. I guess I'll be testing that theory come Monday. Pin It Now!

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